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Discussie: Co-piloot/piloten gezocht

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    9 December 2009

    Standaard Co-piloot/piloten gezocht

    via Britishrally.co.uk:

    Hello there.

    I am on the lookout for a navigator, or maybe more then one, who are able to navigate for me on the Flanders International Rally Challenge.

    I will be competing in all 5 events. For those that dont know about it, it consists of 5 rallies between May and September.

    I am asking for half the entry fees, and soemthing towards the fuel. Other than that, you just need to cover your own costs which will be talked about.

    I know it is a bit of a big ask for someone to do all 5, so if there is more than 1 person up for doing them, i am happy to have different people. You need to be good with pace notes. As the rallies involve doing a recce, and writing our own notes.

    The car will be a Peugeot 306 Rallye. Hoping to be fairly competitive in class. Did the Hemicuda last year and were running 4th in class till a cracked gearbox forced us to retire.

    I intend to go over with 2 other friends who will also be driving their rally cars for all 5 events. We are out to enjoy ourselves mainly, so a sense of humour and being up for a good laugh is essential. There will be a good group of us going so hopefully you can talk to anyone!

    If anyone is interested, then please PM me, i can then provide my phone number for serious enquiries. Maybe a quick list of what experience you have would be handy too. Not necessrily looking for someone with 100's of events done. Just someone who knows what they are doing.


    Alle geinteresseerden kunnen PM sturen of mail naar ward@firc.be

  2. #2
    Senior Member bacardi's schermafbeelding
    8 March 2008


    Voor wie nog niet weet welke proeven dit zijn

    den flup

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